Workshop Report: AVANT GARDE- Drama and Art Workshop 2022-23 Batch

Date: 11th July to 15th July

Organized by: Kannur Salafi B.Ed Training College


The Drama and Art Workshop AVANT GARDE conducted from 11th to 15th July 2022-23 was a transformative journey for participants, offering an immersive exploration of creativity and self-expression. Through a carefully curated agenda, the workshop provided a dynamic platform for students to delve into the diverse realms of drama and art. Participants engaged in Creative Theatre sessions, honing acting skills and fostering a collaborative spirit. The Collage Making workshop, led by renowned artist Shobharaj PP, empowered participants to express themselves visually. The Learning Aid Workshop, facilitated by Muraleedharan Mavila, seamlessly integrated art into education, equipping participants with innovative teaching tools. The Folklore segment, guided by Viswanathan Sir, celebrated cultural richness and traditional storytelling. Culminating in a vibrant showcase, the workshop not only honed artistic abilities but also cultivated a sense of community and appreciation for the multifaceted world of drama and art.


  • Cultivate a deeper understanding of dramatic elements, including voice modulation, body language, and stage presence.
  • Encourage participants to express themselves creatively through various artistic mediums, such as collage making.
  • Facilitate group activities and projects to promote collective problem-solving and idea generation.
  • Equip participants with tools to enhance the learning experience through creative and visual methods.
  • Create an awareness of the importance of preserving and promoting cultural heritage through artistic expression.


Day 1: Creative Theatre – Padavukal ( Raghunath N and Anagha Ragunath)

Morning Session:

  • Ice-breaking activities and introduction to the workshop.
  • Overview of the importance of creative theater in personal and professional development.

Afternoon Session:

  • Practical exercises on voice modulation and body language.
  • Group activities focusing on improvisation and collaborative storytelling.

Day 2:  Collage Making – Shobharaj PP

Session 1:

  • Introduction to the art of collage making and its applications.
  • Demonstration of basic techniques and materials.

Session 2:

  • Hands-on collage creation by participants.
  • Group discussion and reflection on the creative process.

Day 3:Creating Learning Aids Workshop – Muraleedharan Mavila

Session 1:

  • Understanding the role of learning aids in education.
  • Hands-on activities to create artistic learning aids.

Session 2:

  • Group presentations and sharing of learning aid projects.
  • Reflection on the integration of art in educational practices.

Day 4:Nattarangue ( Folklore) – Viswanathan TV

Session 1:

  • Exploration of traditional folklore and storytelling.
  • Practical exercises in traditional storytelling techniques.

Session 2:

  • Group performances and presentations of folklore adaptations.
  • Discussion on the relevance of folklore in contemporary storytelling.

Day 5: Hindolam(music)-shimina Nitiyenga 

Session 1 :

  • Introduction to the significance of music in the creative arts.
  • Practical sessions exploring the fusion of music with drama and art.
  • Presentation of musical projects developed by participants during the workshop.
  • Integration of music, drama, and art in collaborative performances.

Session 2:

  • Participant Reflections and Feedback Session:
  • Closing Ceremony and Certificate Distribution:

The greatest moments of the program:

The Drama and Art Workshop presented a dynamic and enriching experience for participants, encapsulating the essence of creativity, collaboration, and self-expression. Throughout the week, the diverse program showcased the multifaceted nature of the arts. Creative Theatre – Padavukal provided a platform for participants to hone acting skills and stage presence, fostering a collaborative spirit. Collage Making with Shobharaj PP empowered individuals to express themselves visually, while the Learning Aid Workshop by Muraleedaran P seamlessly integrated art into education. The Folklore segment, guided by Viswanathan TV, celebrated cultural richness and traditional storytelling. The innovative addition of a Music Class by Shimina Nidiyenga on the final day expanded the artistic horizons, exploring the intersection of music, drama, and art. The workshop culminated in a vibrant showcase, reflecting the participants’ holistic artistic growth and the seamless fusion of various creative disciplines.


The feedback from students regarding the Drama and Art Workshop 2022-23 is overwhelmingly positive, reflecting a transformative and enriching experience. Participants universally praised the diverse program highlights, including Creative Theatre, Collage Making, Learning Aid Workshop, Folklore, and the innovative addition of a Music Class. Students noted the effectiveness of instructors in facilitating engaging sessions that nurtured creativity and skill development. 


The Drama and Art Workshop for the 2022-23 batch proved to be a resounding success, providing participants with a holistic learning experience in the realms of theater and art. The diverse programs catered to different interests, ensuring a well-rounded development of skills and perspectives. Participants left the workshop not only with enhanced artistic abilities but also with a deeper appreciation for collaboration, creativity, and the cultural heritage embedded in storytelling and art. The success of this workshop lays the foundation for future endeavors, fostering a culture of creativity and artistic exploration within the institution. The organizing team, instructors, and participants collectively contributed to making this workshop a memorable and transformative experience for all involved.

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