The 25th session of Vaayanam features Mrs. Anaswara M, former student of KSBC, introducing the book Manju by M T Vasudevan Nair.The story mainly follows Vimala Devi, and her experiences read like real life – full of struggles, hopes, and moments we can all connect with. Loneliness is a big deal in the book, and it’s portrayed so well. It’s not just about being alone; it’s like this deep emptiness you can almost touch. Vimala Devi’s loneliness feels like something we’ve all faced, making the story hit close to home.

The characters in “Manju” are like people we all know – with happy moments, sad times, and everyday stuff that makes them feel real. The author does a great job capturing life’s simple yet important moments, making the book feel like a snapshot of real life.

Amid the story, some lines just hit you. One such line  is, “Loneliness is when nobody gets you.” It captures what the book is all about – the universal need for understanding and connection.

Manju is more than just a book; it’s like a mirror reflecting our struggles and joys. It speaks straight to the heart, reminding us of the shared human experiences that shape us.

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