Criterion 1.2.2 &1.2.3

1.2.2 Average Number of value-added courses offered during the last five years & 1.2.3 Number of students enrolled in the Value – added courses mentioned at 1.2.2 during the last five years

YearTotal number of Value added coursesNames of the value added course (with 30 or more contact hours) offered during last five yearsCourse CodeYear of offeringNo. of times offered during the same yearYear of discontinuationNumber of students enrolled in the yearNumber of Students completing the course in the year
Year 11Wisdom Waves (21st Century Skills)KSVAC 022022-2023120245453
Year 21Wisdom Waves (21st Century Skills)KSVAC 022021-2022120235349
Year 31Wisdom Waves (21st Century Skills)KSVAC 022020-2021120224950
Year 41Wisdom Waves (21st Century Skills)KSVAC 022019-2020120215050
Year 51Certificate course in learning disablityKSVAC 012018-2019120205050