One Week Online Workshop Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Workshop Overview:

The “Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence” workshop is a comprehensive one-week program designed to equip educators with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in the digital era. Through a series of seven sessions, participants will delve into various aspects of technology integration in education, from mastering digital assessment and leveraging ICT in the classroom to exploring the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence.

The workshop aims to empower educators to adapt to the evolving educational landscape, providing practical insights, hands-on experiences, and a deep understanding of the tools and technologies that can enhance their teaching and administrative practices. Participants will not only gain theoretical knowledge but also acquire practical skills that they can immediately apply in their educational contexts.

Join us on this transformative journey to become tech-savvy educators, ready to embrace the opportunities and challenges presented by the age of Artificial Intelligence.








1. Equip Educators with Digital Assessment Expertise:

  • Enhance educators’ proficiency in designing and implementing effective digital assessments.
  • Provide practical skills for utilizing technology in grading and feedback processes.

2. Integrate ICT for Active Classroom Engagement:

  • Enable educators to seamlessly incorporate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into their teaching methods.
  • Foster strategies for creating interactive and engaging virtual classroom experiences.

3. Transform Research Practices with ICT:

  • Revolutionize educators’ research methodologies through the effective use of Information and Communication Technology.
  • Explore digital tools to streamline literature review, data analysis, and collaborative research efforts.

4. Harness the Power of AI in Teaching and Learning:

  • Provide insights into the practical applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in educational settings.
  • Enable educators to leverage AI tools for personalized learning experiences and enhanced educational outcomes.



5. Master Academic Writing with Digital Tools:

  • Equip educators with skills for effective academic writing using digital resources.
  • Explore the use of technology in the publishing process, from collaborative writing to digital publishing platforms.

6. Explore MOOCs and SWAYAM for Professional Development:

  • Introduce educators to Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and SWAYAM as platforms for continuous learning.
  • Showcase the potential of these platforms for professional development and enhancing teaching skills.

7. Enhance Educational Administration through ICT:

  • Empower educators with the knowledge and tools to streamline administrative processes through Information and Communication Technology.


Session Date Topic of the Session Time Resource Person Designation
1 12 February 2024 Digital Assessment Mastery 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr.Gulshan Mufidh Senior Academic Consultant, CIET-NCERT
2 13 February 2024 Leveraging ICT for Engaging Classroom Learning 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr Tulika Bansal

Assistant Professor , University School of Education , Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Delhi
3 14 February 2024 Revolutionizing Research Practices with ICT 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr.Ajith Kumar IGNOU
4 15 February 2024 Harnessing Artificial Intelligence in Education 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr.K.Thiyagu CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF KERALA
5 16 February 2024 Mastering Academic Writing & Publishing with ICT 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr.Sameer Babu M. JAMIA MILLIA ISLAMIA
6 17 February 2024 MOOCs, & SWAYAM 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr.Biju K. CENTRAL UNIVERSITY OF TAMILNADU
7 18 February 2024 Empowering Educational Administration through ICT 2.oo PM – 4.30 PM Dr. Saba Anees Assistant Professor in Educational Studies, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala

Last Date to Register 10 February 2024

Workshop Starts on 12 February 2024

Registration Last Date:

10 January2024

Certificate: e-Certificate to all the eligible participants

List of Enrolled Students:  Will be added here

Registration Fee:

Rs. 400 (Individual Registration)

Rs. 200 (For Bulk Registration from Students and Staff of UG & PG Students)

Available Seats
Embedded Google Sheets

DAY 1: 12 February 2024 Inaugural Session

Date: 12th February 2024
Time: 1:40 PM
Platform: Zoom

Host: Faheema Mohamed, B.Ed. First-year student at Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College

Dr. Naseerali M.K., Principal of Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College, delivered the welcome address. He emphasized the critical need for quality academic orientation to empower educators in the dynamic age of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Dr. Naseerali underscored that the future trajectory of technology is unpredictable, highlighting the necessity for educators to continually update their skills. He stressed the role of collaboration in organizing such events and extended a warm welcome to all stakeholders, organizers, and resource persons.

Presidential Address:
Dr. Sunayana J. Kadle, Acting Principal of SMT. Surajba College of Education, Mumbai, expressed gratitude to Dr. Naseerali for the collaborative effort. She highlighted the significance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning and research.

Inaugural Address:
Dr. N. Ramakrishnan, Registrar of Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University, delivered the inaugural address. He discussed the evolving role of educators amidst technological advancements. Dr. Ramakrishnan emphasized various ways AI can enhance educational practices, such as personalized learning, adaptive assessments, and data-driven decision-making. He stressed the importance of integrating AI responsibly to foster inclusive and equitable education.

Felicitation Address:
Dr. Gulshan Mufeed from the Central Institute of Educational Technology, NCERT, New Delhi, shared insights during the felicitation session. She expressed optimism regarding the workshop’s potential to provide participants with valuable learning experiences.

Vote of Thanks:
Dr. Sheikh Fahemeeda, Assistant Professor at KBN University, concluded the inaugural session with a vote of thanks, expressing gratitude to all attendees, speakers, and organizers for their contributions.

DAY 1: 12 February 2024, Session 1

Following the inaugural session on the same Zoom meeting platform, Session 1 was conducted by Dr. Gulshan Mufeed from the Central Institute of Educational Technology, NCERT, New Delhi. In this interactive 2.5-hour session, Dr. Mufeed discussed the pivotal role of technology in education. She demonstrated various tools beneficial for both formative and summative assessment purposes, fostering participant engagement and interaction.

Dr. Naseerali M.K. extended a vote of thanks to Dr. Mufeed for her enlightening session. Participants were encouraged to provide feedback on the content and delivery of the Day-1 sessions, facilitating continuous improvement and ensuring the workshop’s effectiveness in empowering educators with AI knowledge and skills.

DAY 2: 13 February 2024, Session 2

Date: 13th February 2024
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM
Session Title: Leveraging ICT for Engaging Classrooms
Resource Person: Dr. Tulika Bansal, Assistant Professor at the School of Education, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

The second session of the One Week Online Workshop commenced on 13th February 2024, focusing on “Leveraging ICT for Engaging Classrooms.” Dr. Tulika Bansal, an esteemed Assistant Professor, spearheaded the session, demonstrating various tools and techniques aimed at enhancing classroom engagement through the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT).

Session Overview:
Dr. Tulika Bansal commenced the session by outlining the importance of utilizing ICT tools to create dynamic and interactive classroom environments. She emphasized the role of technology in fostering student participation, creativity, and critical thinking. Throughout the session, Dr. Bansal showcased an array of applications designed to facilitate engaging classroom practices.

Key Demonstrations:

  1. WordCloud Apps: Participants were introduced to applications facilitating the creation of WordClouds, allowing teachers to visually represent key concepts or themes from their lessons. Dr. Bansal highlighted the effectiveness of WordClouds in summarizing textual information and stimulating student interest.

  2. Cartoon Making Tools: The session included demonstrations of software enabling educators to develop cartoons relevant to their curriculum. Dr. Bansal illustrated how cartoons can be utilized as educational tools to simplify complex topics, enhance comprehension, and inject humor into learning.

  3. Poster Making Platforms: Participants were introduced to online platforms for designing posters, enabling teachers to create visually appealing learning materials. Dr. Bansal emphasized the role of posters in reinforcing lesson content, fostering creativity, and serving as visual aids for students.

  4. Interactive Presentation Software: Dr. Bansal showcased interactive presentation-making tools designed to transform traditional lectures into dynamic learning experiences. These platforms enable educators to incorporate multimedia elements, quizzes, and interactive features, promoting active student engagement.

  5. AI Content Generation and Plagiarism Checkers: The session also covered AI-powered platforms for generating educational content and plagiarism checkers to ensure academic integrity. Dr. Bansal discussed the benefits of leveraging AI in curriculum development while emphasizing the importance of originality in academic work.

Feedback and Vote of Thanks:
Following Dr. Bansal’s engaging presentations, feedback was collected from all participants to assess the session’s effectiveness and relevance. The vote of thanks was extended by Dr. Sunayana J Kadle, Principal of Gandhi Shikshan Bhavan’s Smt. Surajba College of Education, Mumbai, expressing gratitude to Dr. Bansal for her valuable insights and contributions to the workshop.

The second session of the One Week Online Workshop on “Leveraging ICT for Engaging Classrooms” proved to be highly informative and enriching. Dr. Tulika Bansal’s expertise and demonstrations of various ICT tools provided educators with valuable insights into enhancing classroom practices. Participants left the session equipped with practical strategies for integrating technology into their teaching methodologies, thereby fostering interactive and engaging learning environments.

DAY 3: 14 February 2024, Session 3

Date: 14th February 2024
Time: 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM

Session Overview:
The Day-3 session of the workshop commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. Naseerali MK, Principal of Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College, extending greetings to all participants. The session was conducted by Dr. Ajithkumar C., Assistant Professor at IGNOU, who delved into the topic of “Revolutionizing Research Practices with ICT.”

Resource Person:
Dr. Ajithkumar C., Assistant Professor, IGNOU

Revolutionizing Research Practices with ICT

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Introduction to AI Tools: Dr. Ajithkumar began by introducing various AI tools and their relevance in research practices. He emphasized how these tools have transformed each step of the research process, making it more efficient and effective.

  2. Applications in Research: The discussion then moved on to highlight specific AI tools that can be utilized in different phases of research, such as data collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation. Dr. Ajithkumar provided insights into the functionalities and benefits of these tools, enabling participants to grasp their practical implications.

  3. Integration of ICT in Research: Dr. Ajithkumar elaborated on the seamless integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in research methodologies. He emphasized the importance of leveraging technological advancements to enhance the quality and reliability of research outcomes.

Dr. Naseerali MK, in his concluding remarks, expressed gratitude to Dr. Ajithkumar for his enlightening session. He highlighted the significance of embracing ICT tools in research practices to stay abreast of contemporary advancements. Dr. Naseerali encouraged participants to actively incorporate the knowledge gained into their research endeavors, fostering innovation and excellence in scholarly pursuits.

The Day-3 session concluded with a sense of enthusiasm and inspiration among participants, eager to implement the insights gained into their research methodologies.

The session was attended by faculty members, researchers, and students from Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College and other educational institutions in the vicinity.

Participants appreciated the comprehensive coverage of AI tools and their practical applications in research. They found the session insightful and relevant, providing valuable insights into modern research methodologies.

Overall, the Day-3 session on “Revolutionizing Research Practices with ICT” was a resounding success, contributing to the enrichment of research knowledge and skills among the participants.

Day 4: 15 February 2024, Session 4

Date and Time: 15 February 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM

Introduction: The fourth session of the One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence commenced on 15th February 2024 at 2:00 PM. Dr. Naseerali MK, the organizer, warmly welcomed all participants to the session focused on ‘Harnessing AI in Education.’ The session was led by Dr. K. Thiyagu, Assistant Professor at Central University of Kerala, who is an esteemed resource person in the field of artificial intelligence in education.

Presentation and Demonstration: Dr. Thiyagu began the session by providing a comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding the integration of AI in education. He highlighted the potential benefits and challenges of utilizing AI technologies in educational settings, emphasizing the importance of a strong theoretical foundation in shaping the future of education.

Following the theoretical overview, Dr. Thiyagu proceeded to demonstrate various AI-powered tools that hold significant utility in teaching, learning, and research. These demonstrations provided participants with practical insights into the application of AI in educational contexts. The tools showcased encompassed a wide range of functionalities, including personalized learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems, automated grading systems, and data analysis tools for educational research.

Feedback Collection: Feedback was collected from all participants at the conclusion of the session to gauge their perspectives on the content covered and the effectiveness of the delivery. Participants were encouraged to share their thoughts on the theoretical insights provided by Dr. Thiyagu, as well as the practical demonstrations of AI-powered tools. The feedback collected will be instrumental in refining future sessions and ensuring that the workshop continues to meet the evolving needs of educators in the age of artificial intelligence.

Conclusion: The fourth session of the One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence proved to be both informative and engaging. Dr. Thiyagu’s expertise and insightful presentations enriched participants’ understanding of harnessing AI in education, equipping them with valuable knowledge and tools to enhance their teaching, learning, and research practices. The session concluded on a positive note, with participants expressing enthusiasm for incorporating AI technologies into their educational endeavors.

Acknowledgements: The organizers extend their sincere gratitude to Dr. K. Thiyagu for his invaluable contributions to the workshop. Special thanks are also due to all participants for their active participation and constructive feedback, which are essential for the success of the workshop.

Day 5: 16 February 2024, Session 5

Introduction: Session 5 of the One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence commenced on February 16, 2024, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. Dr. Naseerali MK, the coordinator of the workshop, commenced the session by introducing the esteemed resource person and extending a warm welcome to all participants. The session, titled ‘Mastering Academic Writing and Publishing with ICT,’ was led by Dr. Sameer Babu M., an Associate Professor from Jamia Millia Islamia.

Presentation: Dr. Sameer Babu M. commenced the session by providing a comprehensive theoretical foundation on academic publishing. He emphasized the significance of adhering to robust academic standards, the importance of literature review, and the nuances of publishing in genuine academic journals. Dr. Sameer delved into various tools and techniques essential for effective academic writing, literature review, and navigating the publication process.

Throughout the session, Dr. Sameer demonstrated numerous ICT (Information and Communication Technology) tools tailored to aid educators in their academic endeavors. These tools ranged from platforms facilitating paper writing to those aiding in conducting thorough literature reviews. Dr. Sameer elucidated on the functionalities of each tool, providing insights into their practical utility and how they could streamline the academic writing and publishing process.

Feedback: Following the insightful presentation by Dr. Sameer Babu M., feedback was solicited from all participants. The attendees actively engaged in providing their perspectives on the session, expressing their appreciation for the valuable insights shared by the resource person. Participants highlighted the practical relevance of the tools demonstrated and expressed their eagerness to incorporate them into their academic pursuits.

Conclusion: Session 5 of the One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence proved to be immensely beneficial for all participants. Dr. Sameer Babu M.’s expertise and guidance equipped educators with invaluable knowledge and tools essential for mastering academic writing and publishing in the digital age. The session concluded on a positive note, leaving attendees inspired and empowered to enhance their academic endeavors with the aid of ICT tools.

The success of Session 5 underscores the significance of continuous learning and adaptation to technological advancements in the realm of education. It is a testament to the workshop’s commitment to empowering educators with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the age of artificial intelligence.

Day 7: 18 February 2024, Session 7

Date and Time: February 18, 2024, 2:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Venue: Online Workshop Platform
Host: Dr. R. Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor, TNTEU
Resource Person: Dr. Saba Anees, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala

Introduction: The One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence progressed to its seventh session on February 18, 2024. Dr. R. Rajalakshmi, Assistant Professor at TNTEU, commenced the session by introducing the esteemed resource person, Dr. Saba Anees. With a warm welcome, Dr. Rajalakshmi invited all participants to engage actively in the session titled ‘Empowering Educational Administration Through ICT’.

Session Overview: Dr. Saba Anees began the session by laying a strong theoretical foundation of academic administration in the context of modern technological advancements. She emphasized the pivotal role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in streamlining administrative processes within educational institutions. Drawing upon her expertise, Dr. Anees delved into various tools and platforms essential for efficient eGovernance, Learning Management Systems (LMS), SwayamPrabha, Academic Administration, and Diksha.

Key Highlights:

  1. Theoretical Framework: Dr. Anees elucidated the theoretical underpinnings of academic administration, highlighting its significance in optimizing institutional operations and enhancing educational outcomes.

  2. Demonstration of ICT Tools: Through a comprehensive demonstration, Dr. Anees showcased a myriad of ICT tools tailored to meet the diverse needs of educational administration. These tools encompassed eGovernance platforms for seamless decision-making processes, robust Learning Management Systems for effective course delivery, SwayamPrabha for digital content dissemination, and Diksha for teacher training and resource sharing.

  3. Interactive Session: To foster participant engagement, Dr. Anees encouraged interactive discussions and queries throughout the session. Participants actively shared their experiences, challenges, and insights related to the integration of ICT in educational administration.

  4. Feedback Collection: As a concluding segment, feedback was collected from all participants to gauge their learning experience and identify areas for improvement. Participants expressed appreciation for the informative session and provided constructive feedback for future workshops.

Conclusion: The seventh session of the One Week Online Workshop on Empowering Educators in the Age of Artificial Intelligence proved to be enlightening and insightful, thanks to the expertise shared by Dr. Saba Anees. By elucidating the nexus between ICT and educational administration, Dr. Anees empowered participants with valuable knowledge and practical tools essential for navigating the digital landscape of academic governance. The session concluded on a positive note, leaving participants inspired and equipped to harness the transformative potential of ICT in educational leadership and administration.


Day 8: 20 February 2024, Session 6 (Rescheduled Session)

Date: February 20, 2024
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Location: Central University of Tamil Nadu

Introduction and Welcome
The rescheduled Session 6 on “SWAYAM & MOOCs” commenced on February 20, 2024, at the Central University of Tamil Nadu. Dr. Naseerali MK, Principal of Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College, took the initiative to introduce the esteemed resource person, Dr. Biju K., Assistant Professor at the School of Education & Training, Central University of Tamil Nadu. Dr. Naseerali MK warmly welcomed all the participants, setting an encouraging tone for the session.

Presentation by Dr. Biju K.
Dr. Biju K. delved into the intricacies of SWAYAM and the fundamentals of developing Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). He elaborated on the Four Quadrant Approach, shedding light on its significance in the realm of online education. The session was interactive, with participants actively engaging in discussions and seeking clarification on various aspects related to SWAYAM and MOOC development.

Question and Answer Session
Participants availed themselves of the opportunity to have their queries addressed by Dr. Biju K. The Q&A session provided a platform for in-depth exploration of topics discussed during the presentation, ensuring a comprehensive understanding among the participants.

Conclusion and Acknowledgment
As the session drew to a close, Dr. Naseerali MK extended gratitude to Dr. Biju K. for his insightful presentation and thanked all the participants for their active participation. He congratulated the attendees for their successful completion of the course, highlighting their dedication to advancing their knowledge in the field of online education.

The rescheduled Session 6 on “SWAYAM & MOOCs” concluded on a positive note, leaving participants enriched with valuable insights into the realm of online learning.


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