Children’s Day: Visiting Chitrari Asha School (School for Children with Special Needs)

Venue : Chitrari Asha School

Date : 14 November
Event highlights
A morning spent in the presence of innocent souls is indeed a blessed one. The first year students of Kannur Salafi B Ed College celebrated national Children’s day 2023 in the company of the specially abled children of Chitrari Asha School.
Inaugural address was given by Ms. Sreekala, a faculty at the school, who introduced the institution and its journey to where it stands now. Felicitation was given by Lt. General. Vinod Nayanar, the inspiring founder of the school. He spoke at length about the need for such institutions and the role teachers can play in the lives of those angelic children. Sub Inspector Vinod R.P. also attended the function as a representative of Parivaar organisation. He spoke to the students about the need for real and practical inclusivity in our education system. Mr. Vishwanathan, Assistant Professor of Malayalam Department, also spoke to the students about the myriad talents of such students that often go unnoticed due to lack of opportunities.
The true stars of the day were the special students who actively and enthusiastically took part in the program. They sang and danced with no care. They laughed, played and smiled beautifully. The sounds of happiness reverberated in the atmosphere.
Refreshing fruits and delicious payasam added the final sparkle to the shining day.

The students returned from the school with hearts filled with joy and love.

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