The “One Teacher One Tree” initiative by the IQAC of Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College is a specific program aimed at combining environmental awareness and education for future teachers.
The project is inaugurated by Dr.K.K. Shine, Hon’ble Chairman, National Counsil for Teacher Education, Southern Regional Committee, New Delhi on 7 September 2023 while his visit to the college on the eve of Convocation for the batch 2021-2023. The launching of the event was honoured with the presence of Dr.Vijaykumar, Former Director of NRC, & ERC of NCTE, New Delhi, Prof. Pramod Vellachal, Syndicate Member, Kannur University, Mr.Nijilesh, Vice-president of Kuttiatoor Grampanchayath, Dr.A.A.Basheer, Secretary of Islahi Trust, and Mr.M.M.Haris, Manager of the College. The principal of the College Dr.Naseerali M.K explained the project and its objectives to the guests. Mrs.Sudha Mallappally, a faculty member, who is in-charge for the project convened the launching session.

Environmental Education Integration: The initiative aims to incorporate environmental education into the training of prospective teachers. By actively participating in tree planting and preservation, the future educators can better understand the practical aspects of environmental conservation and sustainability.
Hands-On Learning Experience: The prospective teachers engage in a tangible and experiential learning process. By planting a tree and caring for it over the course of two years, they develop a deeper connection to nature and learn about the challenges and rewards of nurturing a living organism.
Role Modeling: Through their active involvement in tree planting and preservation, the prospective teachers serve as role models for their future students. They can demonstrate the importance of taking care of the environment and inspire their students to do the same.
Sense of Ownership: Giving the tree the name of its contributor fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility. This can translate into a broader understanding of the need to care for and protect the environment as a whole.
Long-Term Commitment: The two-year timeline of the initiative encourages the prospective teachers to commit to the growth and development of their trees. This mirrors the long-term commitment needed for environmental conservation efforts.
Tree Strengthening and Growth: The initiative’s ultimate objective is to witness the strengthening and growth of the planted trees over the two-year period. This could serve as a metaphor for the prospective teachers’ growth and development during their B.Ed. course as well.
Eco-Friendly Mindset: By actively participating in tree planting and preservation, the prospective teachers cultivate an eco-friendly mindset. This mindset can influence their teaching practices and the values they impart to their future students.
Community Engagement: As the initiative involves naming the trees after their contributors, it encourages a sense of community within the college. This shared commitment to tree planting and care can foster a sense of camaraderie among the prospective teachers.

Environmental Stewardship: Through the initiative, the prospective teachers develop a sense of environmental stewardship and responsibility. They learn how their individual actions can contribute to the larger goal of preserving the environment for future generations.
Data Collection and Reflection: Over the two-year period, the prospective teachers can document the growth and changes in their trees. This process encourages data collection, reflection, and potentially even research on factors affecting tree growth.
Sustainable Campus: The initiative can contribute to making the college campus more sustainable and green. The collective effort of planting multiple trees can enhance the aesthetic appeal of the campus while also providing environmental benefits.

Overall, the “One Teacher One Tree” initiative at the Prospective Teachers in Kannur Salafi B.Ed. College appears to have multi-faceted objectives that align with environmental education, personal growth, and the development of a strong environmental ethos among future teachers.