World Television Day


On November 21st, to boost the freshness of the day, Morning Assembly was conducted by the English Department. The entire assembly was hosted by Sahala in the absence of Drishya Purushothaman. Even though she was not prepared, she came forward wholeheartedly to host the whole programme. Eventhough nervous, she beautifully handled it through out. Prayer was done by Faheema and Sanika which really filled everyone’s heart and mind. Harikrishnan led us with the pledge which once more reminded us of our duties and responsibilities. News reading was done by Jefrina which helped us to be updated with our surroundings. November 21st is celebrated as “World Television Day”, to make us aware of the importance of television, Drishya PK gave brief informations regarding the same. Last but not the least, a new word was introduced by Drishya KP. All of them presented their part really well and the students also actively participated in it. Altogether assembly really boosted everyones energy for the whole day.

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