Criterion 4.2.6

4.2.6 Efforts are made to make available National Policies and other documents on education in the library suitable to the three streams of teacher education –general teacher education, special education and physical education by the following ways

1. Relevant educational documents are obtained on a regular basis
2. Documents are made available from other libraries on loan
3. Documents are obtained as and when teachers recommend
4. Documents are obtained as gifts to College
Sl.No.Eduactional Policies / DocumentsBibliographic DetailsSource of procurement
PurchasedGiftOn loanAny other
1National Policy on Education 1986
2National Curiculum Frame work for Teacher Education
3Report of the Secondary Education Commission Volume I
4National council for teacher education Act 1993
5Kothari Commission Recommendations and Evaluation
6Modification to NPE 1986
7Right to Education Act 2009
8Psychological First Aid
9National POlicy on Education 2020